WELCOME ๐ŸŽ‰ Async Sales Start Now [Sales Series 01]



Welcome to your first Sales Series Newsletter 01! I'm so happy you decided to join me.

This is the start of our async conversation via email.*

We'll discuss how you make alternative sales through storytelling, community, and service. And how you do sales with ease and grace.

Today in America we honor laborers for Labor Day. But I don't want you doing labor. I want you to savor this rare and fleeting experience called life.

The truth is that hard work doesn't always equal sales.

Most of the tips and tricks you've been taught are to keep you spinning your wheels, doing more and more until you're so overloaded you burn out. It's impossible to savor the moment when you're too busy laboring.

It gets to be different. And that starts today.


So, first up: What is Async Sales?

An async conversation is when one person shares information and there is a lag before the other responds.

It's how we'll communicate in this series. I'll mail you in my time zone, you'll read and respond in yours.

This works great for communication because you get to speak to people anywhere and everywhere they are. And there is no pressure of an instant response. We're building in time for news to travel.


And sales is communication. So async comms is just like async sales. If you sell your products and services worldwide (or you want to achieve international recognition for what you do) then async is where it's at.

This immediately takes the pressure off.

There is no NOW time specificity that you have to respond to something. Instead, it's WHEN IT'S BEST FOR YOU. And that's different for everyone.

Just because someone didn't buy NOW (on the launch day you decided they should) doesn't mean you failed your launch. Maybe it means that the whole "CART IS NOW OPEN" idea is outdated and absurdly pressured for no reason.

You get to drop these ridiculous rules and do sales your way.


You'll discover styles and processes that work for you. Sales is a continuum.

And what works changes over time.

So over this series, I'll share stories that show a new kind of sales methodology with their practical application for you to test.


We'll be playing with the idea of sales as improvisation. So we'll bounce scenarios and ideas together.

I'll tell you a short story or hint at a few for you to choose from and you'll share some story snippets in response. And ask all the questions you want.

I'll go first on Friday with:

Why I spent $96 on 2 cups of coffee...

and why now, I regularly spend +2K on finding the perfect cup of coffee


Does that story intrigue you? Would you prefer another? Write back and we'll build our adventure together.

For now, enjoy your day wherever you are! And I'll see you back in your inbox on Friday



P.S.: If you'd like to share this series with someone, they can click here to subscribe.



New York โœˆ๏ธ London โœˆ๏ธ Somewhere Else

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Hi! I'm Lauren Wallett

Creative Anarchist, Strategist & Software Founder by day. Avant-Clown Performer by night. Reimagining Sales, Marketing, and Business while designing a life between New York City and London. It all gets to be different. Black coffee and black dogs ๐Ÿ–ค

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