Do you sell? (I've got something for you)



Good morning from Edinburgh!

Starting in the middle

Here's where I'm at:

I want to write you a proper newsletter with a theme, consistently.

After +10 years of various attempts of building email lists, I know what I dislike:

  • Email Scripts
  • Copywriting Advice
  • Nurture Sequences
  • Sales Funnels

They irritate me to read and I get a rash just thinking about sending them.

I'm done with emails like that.

The unglamorous truth

All business is sales.

And if you're anything like me, thinking about constantly selling makes your skin crawl.

It's not a vibe to be constantly angling for a sale, going to networking events to sell, and the idea of cold calls?? Repulsive.

I'm a put-myself-out-there kind of person BUT I only want the magnetic attraction style sales where people approach me.

I block every desperado who slides into my inbox or LinkedIn with a sales attempt. It's not their fault BUT just because that's how EVERYONE does sales, doesn't mean I have to take it OR do it.

No one's speaking about it, for free

We have alternative options for sales. And I don't see anyone speaking about it, unless you count sales coaches pushing a course.

I've been a high ticket sales closer online and on stage for a very famous author.

I've sold 3x businesses.

I've sold my homes and car (and I never bought another can and 7 years later - still don't drive! A different story for another time.)

I've sold products, services, courses, memberships and software.


I've been an entrepreneur since I was 5 years old and started selling traced pages from my coloring book on the school field. I love business. And business is sales. So when I follow that logic: I love sales.

I just never thought about it like that.

Sell, without selling

I'm into dynamic content that's interactive, conversational, community-driven.

So I'm starting a brand-new sales series.โ€‹

Alternative sales is about improvisation not sales scripts. If you're anti cold calls, sales funnels & traditional advice, you'll love this straightforward series.

If you have something to sell, this is for you.

I'll show you how to sell with ease and grace through storytelling, community & service.

โ€‹If you're interested please sign up - this series is for subscribers ONLY.โ€‹

Send me your sales struggles, questions, stuff that bugs you, delights you - whatever you want to know, ask me, and I will write back and tell you.

I promise you, I am not selling you anything in this series. You'll see.

I hope your day is caffeinated and delightful.

I'm off to meet a friend for coffee! Hope to chat soon.





New York โœˆ๏ธ London โœˆ๏ธ Somewhere Else

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Hi! I'm Lauren Wallett

Creative Anarchist, Strategist & Software Founder by day. Avant-Clown Performer by night. Reimagining Sales, Marketing, and Business while designing a life between New York City and London. It all gets to be different. Black coffee and black dogs ๐Ÿ–ค

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