Permission to Play for Women's Day...

If you were to write a vision for your dream reality 3 months into the future, what would it include?

That's the question I've asked clients for years.

I used to think that my dream reality required lots of money because I didn't think I was allowed to indulge myself in purely creative pursuits.

I believed that success looked like helping as many people as I could. Giving back. Being of service. Teaching. Mentoring. That's why I built Create Business Academy.

I imagined mornings teaching online and afternoons mentoring from stages. It seemed like a noble dream. Worthwhile. Useful.

But inside, I was a trapped rat!

I didn't think I was allowed to spend the afternoon in a dance studio embodying a Rat God in character-prep for a new play ๐Ÿคฏ

I didn't think I'd be living in NYC, immersed in the theatre scene: performing, rehearsing, workshopping, and collaborating with artists...

that wasn't even on my radar.

Teaching people how to market their business and do social media was the safest way to provide for myself. That was sensible, right??

What if you're not meant to be sensible?

But what if you're not meant to be sensible? What if you are meant to play?

Welcome to the Playtriarchy ๐Ÿ˜‰ where you get to share all you love in a play space to create magic.

โ€‹Create Business Academy gives you the foundation to support all your new projects, ideas, and plays. It takes you through the practical step-by-step process of making things happen in real time. It's fast. It's fun. It's easy because it plays to your strengths.

You don't need to do ALL the modules, I give you a treasure map to shortcut you to exactly what you need to do next and then you have all the support materials for the rest of your life.

And here is a $500 discount code for you. Use the coupon VIP when you checkout.โ€‹

While you figure out what lives beyond your wildest dreams, learn how to rediscover trust in your most creative self and get the practical steps to make your dreams a reality.

It ALL starts with a commitment to creativity.

Stand out online & you'll stand out in life

It starts now. โ€‹

โ™ฅ๏ธ Lauren

P.S: let's connectโ€‹

[New York | London]
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Hi! I'm Lauren Wallett

Creative Anarchist, Strategist & Software Founder by day. Avant-Clown Performer by night. Reimagining Sales, Marketing, and Business while designing a life between New York City and London. It all gets to be different. Black coffee and black dogs ๐Ÿ–ค

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LAUREN WALLETT SALES SERIES It's easy to assume we know what people mean. We base it on what makes sense to us. That's why there's so much miscommunication. Especially when someone asks you how you do something that comes naturally to you. It can feel too obvious to explain. Like: How do you come up with so many ideas? Answer: How do I not?? Clarifying questions help us bridge the gap. Example: How: Financially, Logistically, Legally, Emotionally, Something Else? City Hopping Sales... I do...

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