What's the best content to post online that generates leads & sales?

Advanced Tech 🤖 for you

Question for your next coffee break:

If you could have a team of analysts, market researchers, strategists, copywriters, creatives, social media experts, and marketers all working for you around the clock, how much value would they add to your bottom line?

They'd follow industry best practices to give you cutting-edge creative solutions that would grow your audience; increase engagement and build your sales pipeline.

With all that support, how big would your business be in 3-months?

Say you got a crazy good deal and hired each person for only 50K a year, you'd pay just under $30K per month for your team.

But you probably don't earn that yourself, so paying that amount isn't an option - even in this hypothetical.

So what amount of investment IS realistic?

$3K per month is what people HOPE to pay for a social media manager alone.

What if you could get a dedicated:

  • Analyst
  • Market researcher
  • Strategist
  • Copywriter
  • Creative
  • Social Media Expert
  • Marketer

For under $900 per month?

They also never get sick, take coffee breaks, sleep, or do anything aside from existing for your every beck and call. They ONLY want to work and they do it with excellence, precision, and stamina.

With this super-human team, there is no guesswork, only ever great work.

They tell you what the best content is to post online that generates leads & sales

All their decisions are data-backed up to the minute, in real time.

Is this option something worth exploring?

If you're thinking OBVIOUSLY YES, then that's great (I fully agree).

I've cleared my schedule for the next 2 weeks to chat with you about any questions, or concerns and get your team in action.

In one month from today, your business bottom line is going to look a whole lot different than it does today!

I can't wait to introduce you to your custom team...

♥️ Lauren: Your AI Alchemist

Hi! I'm Lauren Wallett

Creative Anarchist, Strategist & Software Founder by day. Avant-Clown Performer by night. Reimagining Sales, Marketing, and Business while designing a life between New York City and London. It all gets to be different. Black coffee and black dogs 🖤

Read more from Hi! I'm Lauren Wallett

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